Information and Advice

Below is a list of some of the services in the Nottingham area.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for here, use the Contact Us button at the top of the page to book an appointment with one of our autism advisors.

Understanding Autism

External links:

NAS guide to understanding autism

Diagnostic Support

External Links:

NAS Diagnostic Guides 

Social Support

Autistic Nottingham – offers a range of services, including a monthly peer support group

Neurodevelopmental Specialist Service

The Neurodevelopmental Specialist Service (NeSS) brings together the old adult autism service and the old adult ADHD service into one combined service.

They provide:

  • Diagnostic assessments for autism and ADHD
  • Support to understand the conditions, if needed
  • Short-term support for issues related to autism or ADHD
  • Medication to treat ADHD, which will then be transferred back to the GP
  • Advice and signposting for additional support, if needed
  • Support to other services (such as mental health services) if needed

They do not offer support for other mental health issues that can often go alongside autism and ADHD. These referrals should be made to mental health services.



If you believe you are autistic or want to learn more autism and managing your health, the NHS has a page dedicated to autism and all the advice you need to ensure your health is kept in check and that you have the knowledge and support you require. Just click the link below to explore the information and advice they offer:

Civaka Otîstîkî ya Neteweyî di heman demê de rûpelek we heye ku ji tenduristiyê re û aliyên cihêreng ên birêvebirina tenduristiya we re hatî veqetandin ku dibe ku hûn hewceyê şîreta zêdetir li ser bin. Tenê girêdana jêrîn bikirtînin da ku bibînin ka ew çi pêşkêş dikin:

Tenduristiya derûnî

Rethink Nottingham – an IAPT service which can offer psychological therapies to assist with mental health difficulties


Di derheqê Otîzmê de Berfireh has a useful page of advice and tips about seeking employment if you’re autistic. They also have links to other, more specific, initiatives that seek to help people with neurodevelopmental conditions enter the workplace. Just click the link below:

Mafên Astengdaran UK's Di malperê de her weha beşek heye ku ji bo gihîştina qanûnên kar û çawa hûn dikarin mafên xwe li cîhê kar bi kar bînin an jî di ewlehiya kar de ji we re bibin alîkar. Tenê li ser lînka jêrîn bikirtînin:

Further Nottingham Specific Support

Autism East Midlands offer a wide range of services for children and adults, all readily accessible on their website. The services for adults include supported accommodation, day centre opportunities, employment support, a respite service, and clinical and financial information and advice. They also offer a wide range of courses for professionals. Click the link below to browse the services they offer:

Piştgiriya Malbatê

Sîdank. Ev karûbar ji bo kesên ku heya 30 saliya xwe bi ASC re dijîn piştgirî û karûbaran peyda dike, di nav de çalakiyên civakî û dema vala, û her weha piştgiriya malbatê jî heye.
Tel: 01332 785658



Ger hûn têkiliyên xweyên kesane yên birêvebirinê dijwar dibînin, wê hingê Qalkirin piştevaniya pêwendiya pirfireh pêşkêş dikin. Li seranserê Brîtanya ofîsên wan hene û hemî awayên piştgiriya pêwendiyê pêşkêş dikin ku tê de: zewac û şîreta hevkariya sivîl, veqetîn û piştgiriya jinberdanê, şîreta dêûbavtiyê, yekbûn û şîreta hevdîdanê, alîkariya seksê, û hêj bêtir. Zencîreya jêrîn bikirtînin da ku hûn vebijarkên cûrbecûr ên ku ew pêşkêş dikin bikolin.

