Information and Advice
Below is a list of some of the services in the Nottingham area.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for here, use the Contact Us button at the top of the page to book an appointment with one of our autism advisors.
Social Support
Autistic Nottingham – offers a range of services, including a monthly peer support group
Neurodevelopmental Specialist Service
The Neurodevelopmental Specialist Service (NeSS) brings together the old adult autism service and the old adult ADHD service into one combined service.
They provide:
- Diagnostic assessments for autism and ADHD
- Support to understand the conditions, if needed
- Short-term support for issues related to autism or ADHD
- Medication to treat ADHD, which will then be transferred back to the GP
- Advice and signposting for additional support, if needed
- Support to other services (such as mental health services) if needed
They do not offer support for other mental health issues that can often go alongside autism and ADHD. These referrals should be made to mental health services.
If you believe you are autistic or want to learn more autism and managing your health, the NHS has a page dedicated to autism and all the advice you need to ensure your health is kept in check and that you have the knowledge and support you require. Just click the link below to explore the information and advice they offer:
Národná autistická spoločnosť tiež majú stránku venovanú zdraviu a rôznym aspektom starostlivosti o zdravie, o ktorých možno budete potrebovať ďalšiu radu. Stačí kliknúť na odkaz nižšie a preskúmať, čo ponúkajú:
Mentálne zdravie
Rethink Nottingham – an IAPT service which can offer psychological therapies to assist with mental health difficulties
Ambiciózny ohľadom autizmu has a useful page of advice and tips about seeking employment if you’re autistic. They also have links to other, more specific, initiatives that seek to help people with neurodevelopmental conditions enter the workplace. Just click the link below:
Práva postihnutých UKje webová stránka obsahuje aj sekciu venovanú prístupu k pracovným právnym predpisom a tomu, ako môžete uplatniť svoje práva na pracovisku alebo ako pomoc pri zabezpečení zamestnania. Stačí kliknúť na odkaz nižšie:
Further Nottingham Specific Support
Autism East Midlands offer a wide range of services for children and adults, all readily accessible on their website. The services for adults include supported accommodation, day centre opportunities, employment support, a respite service, and clinical and financial information and advice. They also offer a wide range of courses for professionals. Click the link below to browse the services they offer:
Podpora rodiny
Dáždnik. Táto služba poskytuje podporu a služby jednotlivcom žijúcim s ASC do veku 30 rokov, zahŕňa sociálne a voľnočasové aktivity, ako aj podporu rodiny.
Tel: 01332 785658
Ak je pre vás ťažké zvládnuť vaše osobné vzťahy Vzťahuj ponúkajú širokú škálu podpory vzťahov. Majú pobočky po celej Veľkej Británii a ponúkajú všetky formy podpory vzťahov vrátane: manželstva a občianskeho partnerstva, podpory pri rozlukách a rozvodoch, rodičovských rád, nezadaných a randenia, pomoci pri sexe a oveľa viac. Kliknutím na nasledujúci odkaz preskúmate rôzne možnosti, ktoré ponúkajú: